What is an Oatmeal Stout?

If you’ve wandered down the beer aisle at your favorite grocery store, you may have wondered, “what is an oatmeal stout?” Oatmeal has grown in popularity as a healthy breakfast food over the past decade, and along with that trend has come an abundance of oatmeal stouts on the market.  Oatmeal stouts aren’t new.  In fact, a newspaper advertisement from the “Aberdeen Journal” in 1894 promoted one such beverage by brewers in Europe

Rose’s Oatmeal Stout – most nourishing and strengthening, strongly recommended for Invalids.  See medical opinions.  Brewed from Oatmeal, Malt, and Hops only.

It didn’t take long for brewers to move from using oatmeal to oat malt, and by the 1920s, there were hundreds of oatmeal stouts on the market.  In the United States, this beer style became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s as many people began to brew beer at home.

What is an oatmeal stoutWhat makes an oatmeal stout different from other beers?

An oatmeal stout has a sweeter taste than other stouts.  Some people think that’s from the oats, but it’s really not.  Oats make up only about 5% of the total grain in the recipe because adding more would make the beer too thick (think about the consistency of a bowl of oatmeal.)  Instead, the sweetness is attributed to the amount of malt used in combination with a type of yeast that doesn’t destroy the sugars of the oats.  As a result, the beer will have a roasted character and sweet taste, while the oats also add a silky smoothness and full body to the mouthfeel.

The great thing about an oatmeal stout is that you can find one to go with about any meal.  For a sweeter beer, choose one that contains chocolate, caramel, or darker fruits like cherry.  Other stouts pair well with meats, stews, and even game dishes.  The options are endless with this style.

Characteristics of oatmeal stouts

There is a wide variety of oatmeal stouts for you to choose from produced by brewers across the county.  This chart provides an overview of what to expect, yet every beer will have its own unique taste.


Characteristics of a Stout Beer

Appearance: Deep brown to black, with a thick, creamy, long-lasting foam head.
IBU and ABV averages IBU between 25 to 40

ABV between 4.2% to 5.9%

Aroma Roastiness with a light aroma of malts.  Often may have a coffee-like aroma or hint of oatmeal.  The aroma is mild to medium-high.
Mouthfeel Medium-full to full-body.  Medium to high carbonation is common.  Feels smooth and velvety.
Taste Earthy, nutty, and/or grainy.  The sweetness from the malts may taste like milk chocolate or creamed coffee.  Some blends may have a fruity taste.  These tend not to be overly bitter.


The Growler Guys is your one-stop destination to try beers of every style.

Explore the growing variety of beers in one taproom, The Growler Guys.  Each of our locations carries the best local varieties, from the palest ales to the darkest stouts, along with ciders and kombucha.  Our friendly staff is happy to walk you through the characteristics of every style to help you discover your personal favorites.  Take home the beers you love best in a growler to share with family and friends.  View our online tap list to learn about the selections currently available at a location near you!

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