The Growler Guys, 345 Lithia Way, Ashland, Oregon  97520 • 541-708-0827

What's on Tap at The Growler Guys Ashland, Oregon

  • 1
    Rübæus (Nitro)
    Rübæus (Nitro)Fruit Beer
    FoundersGrand Rapids, MI
    ABV: 5.7%IBUs: 15
  • 2
    Cali-Squeeze Blood Orange
    Cali-Squeeze Blood OrangeHefeweizen
    Firestone WalkerPaso Robles, CA
    ABV: 5%IBUs: 15
  • 3
    805Blonde Ale
    Firestone WalkerPaso Robles, CA
    ABV: 4.7%IBUs: 20
  • 4
    Captain Sassy
    Captain SassyBlonde Ale
    Slice Beer CoLincoln, CA
    ABV: 4.9%IBUs:
  • 5
    Tame the Trail
    Tame the TrailWitbier
    Great NotionPortland, OR
    ABV: 5.3%IBUs:
  • 6
    BreaksidePortland, OR
    ABV: 5.2%IBUs: 35
  • 7
    Two ShyRoseburg, OR
    ABV: 4.7%IBUs: 22
  • 8
    pFriemHood River, OR
    ABV: 4.9%IBUs: 38
  • 9
    Crush Groove Lager
    Crush Groove LagerLager
    StormbreakerPortland, OR
    ABV: 5%IBUs:
  • 10
    ChuckanutBellingham, WA
    ABV: 4.5%IBUs: 22
  • 11
    Tarty To The Party: Watermelon Lime
    Tarty To The Party: Watermelon LimeSour Ale
    Wild RideRedmond, OR
    ABV: 5.6%IBUs: 10
  • 12
    Raspberried at Sea Vol 2
    Raspberried at Sea Vol 2Fruit Beer
    PelicanPacific City, OR
    ABV: 6%IBUs: 25
  • 13
    Dubbel Or Nothing
    Dubbel Or NothingBelgian
    MonklessBend, OR
    ABV: 7.2%IBUs: 23
  • 14
    Rippin'Pale Ale
    Sunriver BrewingSunriver, OR
    ABV: 6%IBUs: 49
  • 15
    Worker's Pale Ale
    Worker's Pale AlePale Ale
    WalkaboutCentral Point, OR
    ABV: 5.5%IBUs: 39
  • 16
    Cloud Ripper
    Cloud RipperIPA
    StormbreakerPortland, OR
    ABV: 6.4%IBUs: 78
  • 17
    Sky Burial
    Sky BurialIPA
    ForeLand BeerMcMinnville, OR
    ABV: 6.5%IBUs:
  • 18
    Organic IPA
    Organic IPAIPA
    Eel RiverFortuna, CA
    ABV: 7.2%IBUs: 49
  • 19
    Volatile Substance
    Volatile SubstanceIPA
    Von EbertPortland, OR
    ABV: 6.9%IBUs: 65
  • 20
    Hang Tight
    Hang TightIPA
    Crux Fermentation ProjectBend, OR
    ABV: 6.5%IBUs: 60
  • 21
    Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze
    Voodoo Ranger Juicy HazeIPA
    New BelgiumFort Collins, CO
    ABV: 7.5%IBUs: 42
  • 22
    Boneyard BeerBend, OR
    ABV: 6.5%IBUs: 50
  • 23
    Chasing Dreams
    Chasing DreamsIPA
    MigrationPortland, OR
    ABV: 6.8%IBUs: 44
  • 24
    DDH Nile
    DDH NileIPA
    Living HäusPortland, OR
    ABV: 6.9%IBUs:
  • 25
    WalkaboutCentral Point, OR
    ABV: 6.8%IBUs: 55
  • 26
    Worth the Wait Hazy
    Worth the Wait HazyHazy IPA
    Two ShyRoseburg, OR
    ABV: 7.2%IBUs: 65
  • 27
    Game On!
    Game On!IPA
    LevelPortland, OR
    ABV: 6.5%IBUs: 55
  • 28
    Over It
    Over ItImperial IPA
    Two ShyRoseburg, OR
    ABV: 7.9%IBUs:
  • 29
    Seamless Transition
    Seamless TransitionImperial IPA
    Von EbertPortland, OR
    ABV: 8%IBUs:
  • 30
    Beak Breaker
    Beak BreakerImperial IPA
    PelicanPacific City, OR
    ABV: 9.5%IBUs: 90
  • 31
    DDH Sticky Hands
    DDH Sticky HandsImperial IPA
    Block 15Corvallis, OR
    ABV: 8.1%IBUs:
  • 32
    Buffalo Smile
    Buffalo SmileImperial IPA
    StormbreakerPortland, OR
    ABV: 8%IBUs: 63
  • 33
    Triple Double IPA
    Triple Double IPAImperial IPA
    StormbreakerPortland, OR
    ABV: 8.5%IBUs: 90
  • 34
    NW Red
    NW RedRed Ale
    StoupSeattle, WA
    ABV: 5%IBUs: 40
  • 35
    Mississippi Red
    Mississippi RedRed Ale
    StormbreakerPortland, OR
    ABV: 5.8%IBUs: 58
  • 36
    Wookey Jack
    Wookey JackBlack Ale
    Firestone WalkerPaso Robles, CA
    ABV: 8.3%IBUs: 80
  • 37
    AmberAmber Ale
    AlaskanJuneau, AK
    ABV: 5.3%IBUs: 18
  • 38
    Magnificent Bastard
    Magnificent BastardScottish Ale
    Silver CityBremerton, WA
    ABV: 9.2%IBUs: 30
  • 39
    Citra Solstice
    Citra SolsticeBlack Ale
    ColdfireEugene, OR
    ABV: 7.5%IBUs: 58
  • 40
    Good Boy Coffee Porter
    Good Boy Coffee PorterPorter
    Lucky EnvelopeSeattle, WA
    ABV: 4.6%IBUs:
  • 41
    Peanut Butter Porter
    Peanut Butter PorterPorter
    BacksideRoseburg, OR
    ABV: 5.5%IBUs: 30
  • 42
    Pilot Rock
    Pilot RockPorter
    CalderaAshland, OR
    ABV: 6%IBUs: 27
  • 43
    Love Potion #9
    Love Potion #9Stout
    Block 15Corvallis, OR
    ABV: 6.3%IBUs: 24
  • 44
    Overcast Espresso Stout
    Overcast Espresso StoutStout
    OakshireEugene, OR
    ABV: 5.8%IBUs: 37
  • 45
    Milk Truck
    Milk TruckStout
    Mother Earth Brew Co.Nampa, ID
    ABV: 5.8%IBUs: 30
  • 46
    Darker With the Stout
    Darker With the StoutImperial Stout
    BinaryBeaverton, OR
    ABV: 9.2%IBUs:
  • 47
    Bull RunForest Grove, OR
    ABV: 5.5%IBUs:
  • 48
    Powerhouse Dry
    Powerhouse DryCider
    Bull RunForest Grove, OR
    ABV: 7.4%IBUs:
  • 49
    Cranberry Mule
    Cranberry MuleCider
    Portland CiderPortland, OR
    ABV: 6%IBUs:
  • 50
    Jungle Juice
    Jungle JuiceCider
    AvidBend, OR
    ABV: 6.2%IBUs:
  • 51
    Mt. Bachelor Blueberry
    Mt. Bachelor BlueberryCider
    Legend NW Cider Co.La Pine, OR
    ABV: 6%IBUs:
  • 52
    Dark Cherry Bad Apple
    Dark Cherry Bad AppleCider
    2 TownsCorvallis, OR
    ABV: 10.5%IBUs:
  • 53
    Pink Oasis
    Pink OasisCider
    2 TownsCorvallis, OR
    ABV: 5%IBUs:
  • 54
    Strawberry Watermelon
    Strawberry WatermelonHard Seltzer
    The Growler GuysBend, OR
    ABV: 5.1%IBUs:
  • 55
    Vanilla Pear
    Vanilla PearHard Seltzer
    BacksideRoseburg, OR
    ABV: 5.5%IBUs:
  • 56
    P.O.G.Hard Kombucha
    JuneShineSan Diego, CA
    ABV: 6%IBUs:
  • 57
    Cranberry Blood Orange
    Cranberry Blood OrangeCBD
    AblisBend, OR
    ABV: 0%IBUs:
  • 58
    Lemon Ginger
    Lemon GingerCBD
    AblisBend, OR
    ABV: 0%IBUs:
  • 59
    Peaches n Cream
    Peaches n CreamKombucha
    Moxie Brew KombuchaPhoenix, OR
    ABV: 0%IBUs:
  • 60
    Root Beer
    Root BeerRoot Beer
    CalderaAshland, OR
    ABV: %IBUs:

What's on Our Menu


Monday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Thursday8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday8:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Ashland, Oregon
Join Us!

at The Growler Guys Ashland, Oregon

The Growler Guys Ashland, Oregon Beer News

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And its DOUBLE REWARDS today! Come by your local Downtown Ashland tap house and get double points (members only - or sign up, it's not too late!) from 12-8pm!

Kicking off the start of the new month tomorrow with some extra points in your pocket to use on your next visit, heck yes!

Not a member? Come by and ask our staff how to sign up! See you soon!

#tggashland #loyalty #doublerewards #craftdraft #southernoregontaphouse #downtownashland #ashland
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And its DOUBLE REWARDS today! Come by your local Downtown Ashland tap house and get double points (members only - or sign up, its not too late!) from 12-8pm!

Kicking off the start of the new month tomorrow with some extra points in your pocket to use on your next visit, heck yes!

Not a member? Come by and ask our staff how to sign up! See you soon!

#tggashland #loyalty #doublerewards #craftdraft #southernoregontaphouse #downtownashland #ashland

Thirsty Thursday is coming in full force!

3 styles - 3 breweries - 3 solid choices

Which would you choose?

Come by and tell us what you think!

#tggashland #thirstythursday #growlerstation #southernoregontaphouse #thegrowlerguys
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Thirsty Thursday is coming in full force!

3 styles - 3 breweries - 3 solid choices

Which would you choose?

Come by and tell us what you think!

#tggashland #thirstythursday #growlerstation #southernoregontaphouse #thegrowlerguys

Hoppy Wednesday!

Monday blues are over, so let's take on another quiz!

If you're new around here, The Growler Guys in Downtown Ashland hosts trivia every Wednesday at 6pm YEAR ROUND. The game starts at 6, so if you have any extra questions, get here a little bit early and we can get you all squared away!

We've tapped 6 new brews in the last 3-4 days, so be sure to check out the wall on your way to your table or ask the staff what's up!

See you tonight!
#trivianight #tggashland #downtownashland #weeklytrivia #gamenight #whattodoinsouthernoregon
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Hoppy Wednesday!

Monday blues are over, so lets take on another quiz!

If youre new around here, The Growler Guys in Downtown Ashland hosts trivia every Wednesday at 6pm YEAR ROUND. The game starts at 6, so if you have any extra questions, get here a little bit early and we can get you all squared away!

Weve tapped 6 new brews in the last 3-4 days, so be sure to check out the wall on your way to your table or ask the staff whats up!

See you tonight!
#trivianight #tggashland #downtownashland #weeklytrivia #gamenight #whattodoinsouthernoregon

Happy Monday!

Here is what's going down at TGG this week!
Stay tuned for the remainder of the week for a few extra event reminders happening in the near future!

If you haven't already, go check out our Pints & Paints event and use the ticketing link to sign up on 3/21!

See you later! 🍻

#tggashland #southernoregon #happyhour #thegrowlerguys #weeklycalendar
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Happy Monday!

Here is whats going down at TGG this week!
Stay tuned for the remainder of the week for a few extra event reminders happening in the near future!

If you havent already, go check out our Pints & Paints event and use the ticketing link to sign up on 3/21!

See you later! 🍻

#tggashland #southernoregon #happyhour #thegrowlerguys #weeklycalendar

It's finally Friday!!

If you're seeing this post, you made it to Friday which means you survived the week - cheers to that!

In other news, we are hosting a "Pints & Paints" on March 21st with the theme "Spring Fling."

See the graphic image for more details and the registration form is available on the event page to sign up!

#tggashland #paintnight #pintsandpaints #springfling #whattodoinsouthernoregon
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Its finally Friday!!

If youre seeing this post, you made it to Friday which means you survived the week - cheers to that!

In other news, we are hosting a Pints & Paints on March 21st with the theme Spring Fling.

See the graphic image for more details and the registration form is available on the event page to sign up!

#tggashland #paintnight #pintsandpaints #springfling #whattodoinsouthernoregon

1 CommentComment on Facebook

What’s the fee?

1 week ago

Pints and Paints @ TGG Downtown AshlandMar 21, 5:30pm345 Lithia Way, Ashland, OR 97520Join us for a night of 'Pints and Paints!'

For the first day of Spring, The Growler Guys will be hosting a paint night, centered on the theme of creating a canvas of the season in your own imagination! Whatever art style you prefer, enjoy, thrive at, or want to experiment on, we would love to have you all come grab a pint and express your spring joy! For all you artsy folk types out there, reserve your spot now!

We hope to see you come celebrate a new season with us starting at 5:30pm and going till 8:30pm!

Reserve your spot now, with a small fee of $40/person which will cover your first pint, art materials, and the host fee. Come celebrate a new season with us!

Follow the ticketing link to reserve your spot - limited spots available!
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Pints and Paints @ TGG Downtown Ashland

Trivia is back in action tonight!

Regular start-time of 6pm!
Come by early and grab your teams table, a bite to eat and your favorite brew on tap (or from the can cooler)!

We have our favorite weekly girly-pop, Madi, hosting so make sure you swing in to say hello and check in your teams with her!

See you tonight!

#tggashland #triviahost #trivianight #downtownashland #exploreashland #thegrowlerguys
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Trivia is back in action tonight!

Regular start-time of 6pm!
Come by early and grab your teams table, a bite to eat and your favorite brew on tap (or from the can cooler)!

We have our favorite weekly girly-pop, Madi, hosting so make sure you swing in to say hello and check in your teams with her!

See you tonight!

#tggashland #triviahost #trivianight #downtownashland #exploreashland #thegrowlerguys

Just in time for Happy Hour ALL DAY!

Here are 3 featured brews we have this week and a special surprise at the end of this post!

Tap 4: Captain Sassy from Slice Beer Co (Lincoln, CA)
Tap 7: Czech Pilsner from Buoy Beer Co (Astoria, OR)
Tap 48: Powerhouse Dry from Bull Run Cider (Forest Grove, OR)

We still have Walkabout Brewing - Workers Pale Ale that is helping our AHS Snowboard team, so if you haven't come by yet to grab a pint, now is your chance before it's gone!

#tggashland #justtapped #feauturedbrews #bingonight #happyhourallday #ashlandor #downtownashland
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Just in time for Happy Hour ALL DAY!

Here are 3 featured brews we have this week and a special surprise at the end of this post!

Tap 4: Captain Sassy from Slice Beer Co (Lincoln, CA)
Tap 7: Czech Pilsner from Buoy Beer Co (Astoria, OR)
Tap 48: Powerhouse Dry from Bull Run Cider (Forest Grove, OR)

We still have Walkabout Brewing - Workers Pale Ale that is helping our AHS Snowboard team, so if you havent come by yet to grab a pint, now is your chance before its gone!

#tggashland #justtapped #feauturedbrews #bingonight #happyhourallday #ashlandor #downtownashland

Love is in the air ❤️

Come grab a pint for you and your special someone, or a second for yourself 🤪 BOGO 14% off until closing (10pm) tonight!

We have quite a few new brews on tap but this deal is specific to beer and cider - we still have Happy Hour from 2-5pm as well!

Next week is double rewards Monday for the federal holiday, so be sure to stop in and rack up those points with your loyalty number!

See you soon!

#cheers #tggashland #valentinesday #roguevalley #CraftBeerSpecial #whattodoinsouthernoregon
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Love is in the air ❤️

Come grab a pint for you and your special someone, or a second for yourself 🤪 BOGO 14% off until closing (10pm) tonight!

We have quite a few new brews on tap but this deal is specific to beer and cider - we still have Happy Hour from 2-5pm as well!

Next week is double rewards Monday for the federal holiday, so be sure to stop in and rack up those points with your loyalty number!

See you soon!

#cheers #tggashland #valentinesday #roguevalley #craftbeerspecial #whattodoinsouthernoregon
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Craft Beer Tap Room

Following in the footsteps of Europeans and East coasters, the Growler Guys® opened its doors in early 2012. Word traveled fast among craft beer enthusiasts and general folks who wanted to test the concept. The concept is pretty cool: Our first growler fill station in Bend, Oregon at the Stop and Go Shell gas station has 45 of the most varied local craft beer favorites, and not-so-local brews, on tap for you to choose from and take home in either a 32-oz or 64-oz growler. What started as a fill station has now grown to many locations across several states serving amazing craft beer in tap house settings yet still providing the unique to go options we have been known for!

TGG_Graphic_Beer Bottle_YellowTan

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